Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Sorta Short Introduction... first blog post. I've never done anything like this, and just decided to in a spur-of-the-moment kinda thing (it's actually about three in the morning over here, my family is sound asleep zzzz).

I guess I should start off with information about myself? My name is Amy, I'm 20 years young with a high school diploma and two years of college under my belt, yet NOTHING to show for it. Why nothing you may ask? Well, I started off pretty good with my decent grades in high school and much to look forward to, with the whole freshman year of college thing. What high school senior doesn't get excited for that? Extended periods of time away from overbearing parents translates to PARTY in the USA, as Ms. Cyrus so rightfully sang it.

Anyway, once you get through the whole grueling process of SATs (DIE, DIE, DIE), college applications (I officially hate writing essays about overcoming obstacles now), yaddayaddayadda...comes April which is, as almost every high school senior knows, around the time when you hear back from colleges! I was kinda frantic and crazy because I applied to about 15 colleges, which apparently isn't the norm, but I was waiting to hear back from the one true college I was excited about at the time...dun-dun-dunnn...Cornell University.

 Long story short, I was accepted for my SOPHOMORE YEAR (yes, not my freshman year) in this process called a Guaranteed Transfer. As thrilled as I was to be accepted with underlying conditions, I mean...what the f*ck is a Guaranteed Transfer? I quickly learned that it basically meant as long as I took certain courses at any college or university, of my choice, and achieved a certain GPA for those courses I was guaranteed a transfer spot at Cornell. Hopefully, that short explanation made sense to anyone reading this.

I attended my freshman year at the University of Hawaii as a Biology major, wanting to go into Veterinary Medicine, at the time. I met the requirements for the Guaranteed Transfer, and matriculated into Cornell University's sophomore class the following year. AND, this is where everything went spiraling downhill. I quickly learned that Cornell was just not for me (in other words, I hated it), especially in the Biology program, and ultimately decided at the end of the school year to NOT finish up my education there. As a side note, imagine how devastating this is to traditional Korean grandparents whom believe an Ivy League education means everything. "You bring shame and dishonor to our famiry!" Haha, they didn't actually say that, because they don't know I'm not going back ToT Yeeeaah, we're trying to hold off the bad news for as long as possible.

And, that leads me to where I am now, which = taking a year off school, doing nothing. Ugh, life can just be so fickle sometimes. Now, I'm planning on trying a completely different major, and leaving to California in May, which I'M SO EXCITED FOR! We'll see how the future plays out though c:

Sooo, I guess I decided to start this blog, partially out of boredom, and also to see if anyone else has been in a boat similar to mine. Has anyone ever started out so sure of what they want to do, only to have things turn out nothing like you expected them to?


  1. wow I absoloutley love this post! I'm still in the time frame of graduating high school and telling my entrepreneurship family that Im going to go to cosmetology school first before I jump into college [aaaahh], we'll see how that goes, I understand completely what you are talking about though! I am inspired by the fact that you knew it wasn't the right thing for you & you choose what was best for you! Keep on, keepin' on because I think that you are going in the right direction by staying true to yourself! :)

  2. aw, that's really sweet and it's really encouraging to hear that from someone else. i really appreciate it! i wish you the best of luck with your future plans and finishing up high school :)

  3. i'm just finishing up my second year in university. lots of students change their minds in school. i know some that have been going to school for 3 years but have now decided to change their majors to things that are the completely opposite of what they were originally doing. there are even some that have changed their minds every year for four years. so in that aspect you really shouldn't worry too much because its normal (if you were worried that is :P).
    it's really great that you seem to know what to do next though. i need to declare a major soon and i still have no idea what i want to do..
    good luck in your future studies!

  4. It happens! =D
    I haven't had such a change... well... not really. I got into a Running Start program my Junior year of high school where I went to college early (got high school credits and college credits at the same time). Got to senior year and my dream University, that I wanted to go to after I graduated high school, told me they wouldn't accept my current college's credits. So I had to haul my butt back to high school and take AP. LAME.
