Thursday, March 17, 2011

DIY Lip Stain

This is super easy and the main thing you need is jello! I recommend using either cherry or strawberry jello, because they're both red, but any color is fine. So let's get started!

1) First, you'll need to grab the following items: 


Small bowl filled with water


And a small plate (forgot to take a picture of it -_-)

2) Sift a small amount of jello onto your small plate.

3) Then, dab your Q-tip in the water and dip it into the jello crystals.

 4) Start applying it on your lips in a sweeping motion. Make sure to not go outside your lips or it will stain your skin.

That's pretty much it! Apply as many coats as you wish :) 

You can also top it off with some lip gloss to make it last longer.

Have fun!

You can watch my Youtube tutorial for this by clicking here!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tattoos: My Experience

First off, I want to say that you should never get a tattoo just because you have an urge to get one. Then you might get something you may regret later on in your life. A tattoo is permanent, and you should think very carefully about what design you want. For example, I first wanted a tattoo when I was 17, and I was thinking about getting the word "panda" written in Thai on my neck, just because I loved pandas! How ridiculous would that have been? Now, three years later, I'm glad I didn't go through with my first impulse to get a tattoo.

I got my tattoos about three weeks ago, and I am absolutely in love with them. One is written is in Farsi, the other in Tibetan (translated and customized by They both hold a lot of meaning to me, and they turned out just how I wanted them to. I couldn't be more pleased! For anyone in the Honolulu area, I went to Tattoolicious and I highly recommend them.

About a month before I actually made an appointment with any tattoo shop, I thoroughly researched all the highest rated tattoo studios in my area. You can easily do this on the internet now, just google "tattoo shop (insert your location)", and one of the first websites should be Yelp or some other type of review site. From there, you can read reviews of other individuals who have gotten tattoos and choose the best shop for you!

A big factor anyone thinks about when getting a tattoo is the pain--I know this was definitely on my mind! Believe me, I am deathly afraid of needles (or anything with a pointy end, for that matter) and I was sweating buckets the last few hours before my appointment. However, let me reassure you by saying that the pain was not bad at all. Of course, this also depends on your pain tolerance/the placement of your tattoo, but it was extremely bearable for me. It kinda felt like dragging a mechanical pencil across my skin. I think what made it bearable is that after tattooing for a few seconds the tattoo artist has to wipe the excess ink off  your skin, giving your body a break from the needle...does that make sense? Basically, your body is just taking small increments of pain, which is a lot better than doing it all in one long stretch.

After you're done, your tattoo artist should give you instructions on how to take care of your tattoo while it's healing. One product I highly recommend to facilitate the healing process is Aquaphor.

MAKE SURE to just apply enough to create a very thin film above your tattoo; you don't want to apply too much. Also, don't apply it on the day you got your tattoo. I was instructed to wait about 2-3 days before applying it. 

In the following week, your tattoo will begin to scab, which is perfectly normal. DON'T PICK AT IT! I know, it can be hard to resist :) If you follow instructions and take care of your tattoo, then you should be fine! Enjoy and love your tattoo :D I know I do <3

Monday, March 14, 2011

Make a Smoothie in Under 5 Minutes!

It's really simple and you only need a few ingredients, most of which you probably already have in your home.

1) Grab your ingredients: You'll need frozen strawberries, honey, milk (any grade is fine, depending on what you're going for, yogurt (I personally like using Greek yogurt because it's thicker, but it tastes fine with plain yogurt too!), and a banana.

2) Grab a blender and add five frozen strawberries, 1/4 cup of milk, 1/2 a banana, 2 big tablespoons of yogurt, and 2-3 tablespoons of honey (depending on how sweet you want it).

3) Blend and serve! Wasn't that easy? You can garnish it with blueberries or whatever fruit you want, as well. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Super Random...

I was watching The Lion King II the other night, and I couldn't help but laugh at this one scene. Thanks to technology and the ever so useful "pause" + "prt sc" buttons, I was able to capture/document this photo and share it with all of you! Hopefully, I'm not the only one who finds this ridiculously funny...

HAHAHA I crack up every time I see this. This picture oddly reminds me of John Goodman, and I have no idea why! Below is the best picture I could find of Mr. Goodman making an expression even remotely similar to the one Kovu is making in the picture above. Do you see a resemblance? Kinda?

A Small Forever 21 Haul and Surprise Gift From My Brother

This is just going to be a quick haul. I went to my local mall the other day and decided to pick up some jewelry. I had also ordered a few things online the previous week, and was super stoked to get those in the mail.

I ordered this straw-colored fedora online, and it sold out surprisingly quick, so I'm glad I got it when I first saw it! This is my first fedora :) I'm not usually much of a hat person...price was $7.50.

I LOVE THESE SHOES! They're a pair of tan cut-outs (also ordered online), and they were only $23.80! I usually wear a size 7-71/2, and I got these in a size 8. I'm so glad I did, because they fit perfectly. I highly recommend anyone looking for a pair of nude heels to get these, because they're sooo comfortable.

I'm not too sure about this body suit. It looked better online than it does in person, but I think I can make it work. It would look great with a pair of high-waisted shorts and a blazer throw on top, mixing sexy and sophisticated. Price was $12.80.

This necklace was the last thing I ordered online, and it sold out surprisingly fast, as well. Again, it looked better online than it does in person, BUT I'LL MAKE IT WORK. Somehow. Price was $7.80.

This ring was so cute, and only $3.80, so I had to get it. The detailing on the side really reminds of the jewelry I saw at markets in Peru. 

I was verrrry hesitant about getting this necklace. Don't get me wrong, I think it's beautiful, but it's just not something I'd typically wear. I kept staring at it and I think one of the sale's associates thought I was a shoplifter -_-; Price was $9.80.

I saw this necklace and instantly thought it would look great with a black dress I own. It's very simple, but the draping chandelier effect really jazzes up an outfit. Plus, I love turquoise ;) Price was $8.80.

And now for the surprise gift...drumroll... 

CHI'S SWEET HOME! If you guys have never heard of this manga, then you should definitely check it out! I've only watched the episodes on Youtube (each episode is ~3 minutes), and I instantly fell in love with it. It's so frickin cute!!! And just to get an idea of it's cuteness, here's a picture of a page within the manga:


P.S-The reason my brother got me this is probably because we got into a huge fight the other day; this is basically his attempt at getting me to forgive him, which totally worked!

A Sorta Short Introduction... first blog post. I've never done anything like this, and just decided to in a spur-of-the-moment kinda thing (it's actually about three in the morning over here, my family is sound asleep zzzz).

I guess I should start off with information about myself? My name is Amy, I'm 20 years young with a high school diploma and two years of college under my belt, yet NOTHING to show for it. Why nothing you may ask? Well, I started off pretty good with my decent grades in high school and much to look forward to, with the whole freshman year of college thing. What high school senior doesn't get excited for that? Extended periods of time away from overbearing parents translates to PARTY in the USA, as Ms. Cyrus so rightfully sang it.

Anyway, once you get through the whole grueling process of SATs (DIE, DIE, DIE), college applications (I officially hate writing essays about overcoming obstacles now), yaddayaddayadda...comes April which is, as almost every high school senior knows, around the time when you hear back from colleges! I was kinda frantic and crazy because I applied to about 15 colleges, which apparently isn't the norm, but I was waiting to hear back from the one true college I was excited about at the time...dun-dun-dunnn...Cornell University.

 Long story short, I was accepted for my SOPHOMORE YEAR (yes, not my freshman year) in this process called a Guaranteed Transfer. As thrilled as I was to be accepted with underlying conditions, I mean...what the f*ck is a Guaranteed Transfer? I quickly learned that it basically meant as long as I took certain courses at any college or university, of my choice, and achieved a certain GPA for those courses I was guaranteed a transfer spot at Cornell. Hopefully, that short explanation made sense to anyone reading this.

I attended my freshman year at the University of Hawaii as a Biology major, wanting to go into Veterinary Medicine, at the time. I met the requirements for the Guaranteed Transfer, and matriculated into Cornell University's sophomore class the following year. AND, this is where everything went spiraling downhill. I quickly learned that Cornell was just not for me (in other words, I hated it), especially in the Biology program, and ultimately decided at the end of the school year to NOT finish up my education there. As a side note, imagine how devastating this is to traditional Korean grandparents whom believe an Ivy League education means everything. "You bring shame and dishonor to our famiry!" Haha, they didn't actually say that, because they don't know I'm not going back ToT Yeeeaah, we're trying to hold off the bad news for as long as possible.

And, that leads me to where I am now, which = taking a year off school, doing nothing. Ugh, life can just be so fickle sometimes. Now, I'm planning on trying a completely different major, and leaving to California in May, which I'M SO EXCITED FOR! We'll see how the future plays out though c:

Sooo, I guess I decided to start this blog, partially out of boredom, and also to see if anyone else has been in a boat similar to mine. Has anyone ever started out so sure of what they want to do, only to have things turn out nothing like you expected them to?